Thursday 17 January 2013

Galicica Mountain

Galicica is high mountain in Macedonia. Due to the natural beauty and characteristic flora and fauna of the forests and forest areas mountain Galicica, a larger part of it, an area of ​​22,750 hectares in 1958, has been declared a national park. Galicica National Park, situated in the southwest part of the Republic of Macedonia, is characteristic for its positioning between the two lakes, Ohrid and Prespa Lake, the involved orthography and interesting geomorphological forms.The lowest point is the level of Lake Ohrid 695 meters above sea level and the level of Lake Prespa 850 meters above sea level, the highest peak Magaro 2255 meters above sea level. Galicica has developed relief with deep valleys and steep slopes on both lakes. 

Because of the relief features, the only massif Galicica is divided into four separate parts.
The territory of the park extends two municipalities of Ohrid and Resen, which borders a total of 18 villages of which 14 in Ohrid and 4 villages in Resen Municipality. Ohrid side park villages: Elshani, Konjsko, Trpejca Ljubanista, Raca, Pestani, Velestovo, Shipokno and settlements: Lagadin, Lower Konjsko, East Eleshec. Resen by park villages: Otesevo, Leskoec, Stene and Equine. The total number of residents in settlements in that area  is 5400 (2001 census).
The park has numerous monuments of great historical and artistic significance that one of the strong reasons for visiting the park. As part of the geographical area, cultural heritage is a picture of the time in which is created. Cultural monuments in the park, despite the numbers are characterized by a great diversity so it can be divided into several groups: archaeological sites, churches, monasteries, cave churches and monuments.

Here you can see more pictures of Galicica mountain and national park :

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