Thursday 17 January 2013

Jakupica mountain

Jakupica or Wet Mountains are a mountain range in central Macedonia. It is composed of more mountainous parts: Karadzica Dautica Goleshnica Kitka and Osoj. The nucleus is composed of gneiss and crystalline schists, and above them are thick layers of Mesozoic limestones and dolomites. Mountain are traces of the Ice Age, represented by cir (two lakes), valleys and moraines. Jakupica is rich with diverse flora and fauna, pastures, springs - hot and others. Highest and notable peak is Solunska Chapter, 2540 meters high. Other important peaks are:
 Karadzica (2473 m)
 Popovo Brdo (2380 m)
 Sharp Beach (2365 m)
 Beautiful (2353 m)
 А sharp peak (2275 m) 
 Dautica (2178 m).

The relief is cut by numerous clean and fast mountain rivers. Large areas are covered with beech, oak forests. Lately, a number of institutions have given proposal Jakupica, as well as the entire range Wet Mountains to become a national park.This mountain range is easily accessible from the capital Skopje and Veles and many villages in the area.
Clean and clear days, from the top of Thessaloniki Chapter believes that you can see the city of Thessaloniki in Greece.


Under peak Solunska head and picturesque slopes of Mount Jakupica area Bogomila, is one of the most attractive nature places in the country. Here begins the life story of the river Babuna whose incredibly clean mountain water delights nature lovers.The source part Babuna feels Jakupica is attractive cave Damjanica . Here Babuna continues its course through deep Valley. It flow tributaries Breznica, Granushka, Crnichka and White Water. Southern exit from Veles, Babuna flows into the Vardar. The strikingly pure mountain water Babuna live river fish pastrmka. For these Babuna is a favorite place for fishing lovers.

Here you can see more pictures of Jakupica mountain and her peaks :

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